Recent News about Pure Audio Blu-ray

Sounds for midsummer – tradition and innovation with the Norwegian label 2L

In many Nordic countries, light is celebrated at the summer solstice. Probably the best known is the Swedish “Midsommar” festival, which has become famous through many references in novels and
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Visions of Sound Awards 2024: The best immersive mixes were honored in Munich

The first Visions of Sound Awards were presented at the High End trade fair in Munich last weekend. The award was given to the most outstanding immersive music mixes released
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Boris Blank im Studio mit Stefan Bock & Stefan Zaradic

Interviewing Boris Blank – Immerse yourself in his sound: On the creation of “Resonance” and more

Yello composer Boris Blank sat down with us for an interview on the release of his solo album “Resonance”. Here he talks about the challenging balancing act between his own
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Eric Horstmann bei der Arbeit im Studio

From film production to music: Eric Horstmann on his creative work with immersive audio

Music is in his DNA – Eric Horstmann lets us take a look behind the scenes of his studio and tells us about his beginnings and how he experienced the
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Bruce Soord

Bruce Soord: Between stage and mixing desk – A look at his musical world

In our interview with The Pineapple Thief frontman Bruce Soord, we talked about his musical career, his role as a sound engineer and his experiences with Dolby Atmos. From his
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Frauen immersive Audio

Women in the immersive soundscape of music

To mark International Women’s Day, we would like to introduce three remarkable women whose artistic work has had a lasting impact on the world of immersive music and paved the
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Unser Soundtrack für die Oscars

Our soundtrack for the Oscars

As the Oscars approach on the night of 11 March, film fans around the world are looking forward to celebrating the art of cinema. To keep with the theme, we
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From mono to atmos: Richard Whittaker on the evolution of music mixing and The Who Live At Wembley

From his musical beginnings as a child to working with top artists and the development of Ambisonics technology, Richard Whittaker has experienced music production in all its facets. We spoke
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Sound Engineers

Sound engineers in the spotlight

In the ever-evolving world of audio, a technology has emerged that redefines the way we experience music: Immersive Audio. If you take a look behind the scenes, you quickly realize
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The 2024 Grammy nominees – A look into the past

It’s Grammy season! To celebrate the Grammys with you, we’ve marked down many Grammy winners and nominated albums from recent years for you in our store! To the offers The
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